Friday, June 7, 2013


I wasn't sure if I should blog about this or not because I'm not 100% sure the person who made these for me wants her art out in the world but I just couldn't help myself.

I was given these as a gift a little while back and it was a complete surprise.  The young woman who gave them to me is a gifted artist.  I've been telling her she should sell her art on etsy or join in on some art fairs but she maintains that she only enjoys drawing as a way to relax, nothing more.

So to M.E.F... I am very touched by the fact you took the time to draw these for me.  They will not end up on a shelf or in some closet, they will be on full display in my home for all that enter to see and appreciate.  Thank you so much for thinking of me, the wolves are beautiful and YOU are very very talented.

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